Pace of Play
The key to pace of play is to Play Ready Golf. You can do this without having to rush.
Players should recognize that their pace of play affects others and they should play promptly throughout the round (such as by preparing in advance for each stroke and moving promptly between strokes and in going to the next tee), This doesn't mean running between shots, but make your way to your ball and be ready to play when it's your turn.
A player should make a stroke in no more than 40 seconds (and usually in less time) after the player is able to play without interference or distraction. Think of it this way; if everyone in your foursome takes 60 seconds (that's just 20 seconds more) per tee shot, that will tack on an ADDITIONAL 24 MINUTES to your group's playing time.
If the group behind you falls behind, don't take that as a free pass to slow down. Keep up with the group in FRONT of you, if possible.
Some people will not be able to move as fast as others (due to physical limitations, or by walking instead of riding). So of course extra time will be needed in these cases. But everyone can still play ready golf.